Unit Testing Has Changed How I Write Software
posted on 08/18/09 at 01:11:26 am by Joel Ross
A few months back, I remember having a conversation with someone about my views on test driven development and unit testing in general. I told him that, while I understood the benefits, I hadn't been able to see any of them. As a result, I didn't do a lot with unit tests, unless it was an obvious case that didn't have a major impact on the rest of the code base.
Of course, the reality is the other way around. I never saw the benefits of unit testing because I wasn't disciplined enough to write the tests, despite understanding the benefits.
Looking back, it was a poor decision on my part. Once I took the time (read: it's the way things are done at TrackAbout) to actually do it, suddenly those theoretical benefits became real. But more importantly, I saw what happens when you lack those benefits. Older parts of our system aren't completely under test, and frankly, changing those parts of the code is both dangerous and time consuming.
I didn't realize how much my development style had changed until I started a new project recently. In the past, my style was to develop vertical slices of the application, starting with a UI, and building down from there. Why? Because without a UI, I had no way to verify functionality. But this time, I started in the middle, with the main service of the application. Or, to be more to the point, I started with the tests for the main application service. When I ran into a need for something outside of the scope of what the service should do, I created an interface for it, mocked out the interface, and developed against that. Once done, I picked an interface I'd created and started working on that one. I worked my way through all of them, until I hit an edge, such as database access, web service calls, or third party components. By the time I was done, I had the core functionality of the system written and tested.
And I hadn't written a single line of UI code.
The UI was fairly simple, and was pretty quick to create. But the amazing part was that I only ran into a couple of bugs in getting the application up and running. And they weren't bugs in functionality - they were issues with how I wired my components together (using Ninject of course!). Once i got that functionality working, I was off and running.
It was a new feeling for me. I knew it would work because I had proof that it did work. And when I needed to change something, I had a designated place to start making those changes (it's test class), and could ensure that it didn't have far reaching effects on the rest of the system.
I still have a ways to go. I find myself just kind of flowing as I start to write code and suddenly realize I have a whole section that isn't tested, and I have to go back and write some tests to cover that. I still struggle with testing at the edge - where I'm finally to the point of writing the code that integrates with another component - be it a web service, an actual physical device or just a third party component. I find myself leaving that to test through in the application. I also haven't figured out the best way to test the UI or the Javascript I've been writing either. But, even then, it's easier to find the issues with them because I know the stuff under it is already tested and verified.
I know I'm late to the party on this, but I prefer to think of it as fashionably late.
Categories: ASP.NET